Old School vs New School Sales Training

A bit about me: I’m the Director of Telecommunications/Technology vertical at Bigtincan. In a previous role at a Fortune 10 company, I was responsible for selling over 100+ telecommunications and...

Four Ways Sales Enablement Keeps Financial Advisors Compliant and Productive

In the heavily regulated world of financial services, ensuring your client facing advisors have fully compliant content is essential. Of course, this is vital in mitigating risk, but think about the...

Sales and Marketing Alignment for Life Sciences

Episode #1: Field of Dreams - “If you build it, your field data will come.”

Ray Liotta is an accomplished actor, and one of my favorites. However, I must admit I’m not so impressed with his latest...

Sales Enablement Automation: Where Does it Fit in the MarTech Stack?

One of the questions we hear most regarding Sales Enablement Automation is where does it fit in the Marketing/Sales tech stack? We understand the confusion. Sales Enablement Automation platforms can...

Three Simple Keys To Engage and Educate Your Channel Sellers

So you're a manufacturer with direct and indirect sellers. In general, you probably have pretty decent control over and insight into your direct sales team. However, capturing the mindshare of...

The Biggest Game Changer in Sales Enablement: Ontologies

Sales Enablement can make a significant impact on how enterprise organizations improve the productivity and success rates of their people, and thousands of the world’s leading businesses are already...

Three Tips For Maintaining Messaging Consistency Across the Organization

Marketers, we’ve all been there. You spend days, weeks, months crafting the perfect message that will resonate best with your audience. You’ve scoured analyst reports, voice of the customer,...

Are B2B Salespeople Going to Go Extinct?

According to Frost & Sullivan Research, the B2B eCommerce market will be twice as large as the B2C market by 2020. Despite this growth, Forrester analysts have predicted that 1 million US B2B...

New Survey Finds Sales Enablement is Changing the Game

Last week, after months of plummeting stock prices, McDonald’s announced its plans to double-down on customer experience, investing nearly $6 billion across its franchises to update systems and...

11 Things You Learned in Kindergarten that Will Help You with Sales Enablement

For those in the business world, Kindergarten is a distant memory - if even still a memory at all. However, there are some key lessons we all learned in Kindergarten that have been engrained in our...

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