What is a Cross Reference App and Why would your Salespeople Need One?

While looking at mobile sales tools people often ask what a cross reference app is and why salespeople would need one.

Retail Enablement - Empowering Sales Associates for Better In-store Service

With this dashboard being visible internally, supervisors can also keep a close eye on their associates and ensure that each employee is in the right spot and is receiving the proper training and...

Retail Enablement - NRF 2019: Retail’s Big Show Recap

Bigtincan recently attended NRF 2019: Retail’s Big Show. With over 38,000 people in attendance, this event continues to be the largest retail conference and expo in the world.

The Key to Employee Development in Retail

One of the greatest opportunities of my professional career happened when an organization took a chance and allowed me to take on roles and challenges that, on paper, I was nowhere near qualified...

Apple, A.I., and Enterprise Enablement

There is no ecosystem on earth quite like Apple and its offerings. The release of the new iPhone series and Apple Watch 4 are stunning achievements, both in functional and aesthetic design. While the...

Retail Takeaways From Apple's Trillion Dollar Valuation

Apple’s story is one that has transcended that of retailer and manufacturer, and has embedded itself into the core of the modern business stratagem. The countless meetings I’ve been in and...

Retailers: How to Keep Customer Experience in Orbit While Mercury is in Retrograde

Uh oh, Mercury is in retrograde again. And as the ruler of all types of communication, selling, buying, transportation, shipping and travel, Mercury’s backspin can mean serious consequences for...

The Personal Shopper Returns

$90 Billion Dollars. A figure that represents 13% of holiday sales by US retailers in November and December of 2017. Think of the resource planning, the countless leadership initiatives, the employee...

ReCoding Retail: NRF 2018 - Part 3

My Top 3 Solutions at NRF

Here are some really cool solutions I saw at NRF that spoke to the above and beyond.

ReCoding Retail: NRF 2018 - Part 2

Three Commandments of Great Retail Experience.

Alright, there are definitely a lot more than three really important things to consider when re-crafting your customer journey, but for the sake of...

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