Keeping Your Salespeople Engaged During Long Sales Cycles

Having worked in enterprise sales for years, I’ve learned a lot about handling long sales cycles and the unpredictability that comes with larger deals. With that said, here’s the common challenges...

The Importance of UI Design in the Digital Age

Organizations that want to hire the best and keep the best, have to take their training and development programs seriously. Employees expect it from their employers. Simply providing information and...

Lessons Learned from the World of Augmented Reality

Joe Zeff Design helped two Fortune 100 clients dazzle audiences this week using Bigtincan’s newest feature, an augmented reality viewer that changes the way people see the world around them. 

Digital Tools for Effective Call and Meeting Preparation

Part 4 of Driving Success from Sales Enablement Investments Blog Series

PowerPoint is dead - long live PowerPoint!

It has become quite trendy in sales circles to say, “Oh I don’t believe in...

The Attributes of Successful Sales Content

Creating impactful content is not a simple undertaking. It requires a thoughtful, reasoned approach to match the design of each content item with the necessary attributes. It is an ongoing process...

Three Ways HVAC & Plumbing Manufacturers Are Revolutionizing Sales

In the "Age of the Buyer," where customers have access to potentially trillions of data points, manufacturers are looking for new ways to make sales people relevant again and to turn them into...

The Buzz Around Learning Engagement Platforms

There are a lot of buzzy acronyms and words floating around the learning and development space. The industry itself often goes by L&D. Job titles include things like CLO (Chief Learning Officer) and...

Boosting the Productivity of Your Financial Service Reps

In 2019, once again the question that most, if not all sales organizations are faced with is "how much time are our sales professionals actually selling?" What activities can be automated that...

How to Help Employees Make Time for Learning and Development

Time — we all want more of it and there's never enough of it, especially when it comes to investing in yourself and your employees. According to industry expert Josh Bersin,employees spend one...

Three Rules for Establishing and Maintaining a Sales Playbook

While the sales playbook should be a standard document in a sales department, it either doesn’t exist or is woefully outdated to the point that it is unusable.

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