Why Bigtincan is Becoming a CMO's Best Friend

At Bigtincan, I spend a lot of time digging into industry metrics as part of my efforts to find the right partners to work with. As the most integrated platform in the sales enablement space,...

Stop Starting Over: How to Recycle Your Training Content

About 10,000 Baby Boomers retire from the workforce every day. As tenured employees head out the door, all of those years of valuable experience and training follow suit. You need to get your new...

Why Salespeople Only Use 35% of Marketing Collateral

Marketers spend a ton of time, money, and effort creating digital sales collateral for their sales teams.

Bigtincan for Adobe - Campaigns and Marketo Integration

Marketing Automation is at the core of almost every marketing team - it’s a need-to-have, not a nice-to-have. Marketers use Marketing Automation platforms to gather data, and use that data to guide...

Content Creation, Editing, and the Adobe InDesign Extension

We use Adobe products all the time, and Adobe InDesign is one of our favorites for creating our own marketing content. Though InDesign is an incredibly powerful tool, it isn’t one that a salesperson...

Bigtincan for Adobe - AEM Integration

We are back from the Adobe Summit and reflecting upon the feedback we are receiving from customers, prospects, partners, and Adobe employees themselves. By all measures, the launch of Bigtincan for...

Why Learning Keeps Employees Happy

Keeping employees happy can feel like a never-ending struggle. You develop a fun company culture, invest in reward systems to show their value, and yet still, something is missing. That missing...

What You Didn't Know About Gamified Learning

Gamification in education is not a new fad, or a fleeting phase. If you’ve ever collected stamps on a punch card for free coffee, or cared about a step goal given to you by a fitness counter, then...

Why Marketers Should Care About Sales Enablement

Marketers - don’t let Sales have all the fun in Sales Enablement! CSO Insights reports that only 8% of Sales Enablement functions report into Marketing, with the remaining percentage reporting to...

Bigtincan for Adobe - Sales Enablement Made for Marketers

Today’s CMO has a multitude of channels to reach - more than at any other time in history.  Forrester even has gone as far as to say that the role of CMO has shifted now to be “Chief Collaborator”....

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