Why Bigtincan is Becoming a CMO's Best Friend

Posted on April 10, 2019 11:53 AM | Updated on Apr 19, 2019 10:31 AM

At Bigtincan, I spend a lot of time digging into industry metrics as part of my efforts to find the right partners to work with. As the most integrated platform in the sales enablement space, Bigtincan focuses on delivering high quality integrations and partnerships. Why? These integrations and partnerships help our customers the most by allowing them to leverage their existing investments and build upon current business relationships.

I recently reviewed an article from Gartner, titled "8 Top Findings in Gartner CMO Spend Survey 2018-19,” as it shares some solid insights as to where the CMO is focused. Over the course of a few posts I will briefly review this article and share my thoughts as to where Bigtincan can help the CMO in achieving their objectives.

I recommend you spend time reading the article for yourself as there are many useful insights that I will not repeat in this article.

No. 1: Marketing budgets remain steady despite uncertain times ahead

In the details of the Gartner article you can see that marketing budgets, as a percentage of company revenue, are decreasing slightly, having gone from 12.1% in 2016 to 11.2% in 2018. The CMO does not have the luxury of simply throwing more people and/or more technology at their challenges. They must ensure that every dollar is maximized. This applies both to new and past purchases.

Bigtincan is a leader in helping CMOs meet this need with integrations with key Adobe Cloud products, Salesforce CRM, Microsoft Dynamics, and deep technology integrations with Apple and others. We make it easy for the CMO to continue to maximize their current technology investments while extending their reach to the customer facing organizations.

Combine these integrations with a remarkable set of partners and you have a marketing stack that any CMO can be proud of, and one that you can be assured will positively impact the bottom line.

If you are a current Bigtincan customer, ask your Customer Success Manager about how to more thoroughly integrate sales enablement into your overall martech stack. If you are looking for new solutions, do your homework and make sure to dig into aspect of any solution you are reviewing. While many vendors know how to talk the talk, few of them actually know how to deliver.

More from this series:

Bigtincan Helps CMOs Deliver Results in 2019

How Sales Enablement Allow's CMOs to Innovate

What CMOs are Getting Wrong in 2019