7 Quick Tips for Successful Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement can be a huge beast to tackle, but its importance can’t be understated. Aberdeen tells us that companies with best-in-class Sales Enablement strategies achieve 84% quota attainment...

Make Your Sales Content Count, Part 1: Why Sales Content is Underutilized

Marketing teams devote endless time, money, and effort to churn out sales content that they can’t wait to hand off to their sales team. The reality is that their sales team is unlikely to use the...

9 Ways Bigtincan Uses Bigtincan

Eating your own dog food: it’s probably the best way to get intimately acquainted with the product you sell. Here at Bigtincan, our platform is a part of the sales and marketing teams’ daily lives....

Sales Enablement Becoming More Crucial to Digital Transformation

Over the last month, I've been asked to speak at two separate events for the Sales Enablement Society -- their annual conference in Denver, CO, and then at Sales Enablement Soiree that was held...

Sales and Marketing Alignment for Life Sciences

Episode #1: Field of Dreams - “If you build it, your field data will come.”

Ray Liotta is an accomplished actor, and one of my favorites. However, I must admit I’m not so impressed with his latest...

Sales Enablement Automation: Where Does it Fit in the MarTech Stack?

One of the questions we hear most regarding Sales Enablement Automation is where does it fit in the Marketing/Sales tech stack? We understand the confusion. Sales Enablement Automation platforms can...

Three Tips For Maintaining Messaging Consistency Across the Organization

Marketers, we’ve all been there. You spend days, weeks, months crafting the perfect message that will resonate best with your audience. You’ve scoured analyst reports, voice of the customer,...

The Silver Bullet of Content Marketing: Neuroscience

We’ve all heard it: “death of Powerpoint”, “Powerpoints are boring”, “Ugh - not another slide deck”. Marketers have it tough - creating engaging content is both an art and a science. And in a world...

11 Things You Learned in Kindergarten that Will Help You with Sales Enablement

For those in the business world, Kindergarten is a distant memory - if even still a memory at all. However, there are some key lessons we all learned in Kindergarten that have been engrained in our...

AI Guide for Sales and Marketing Leaders

If you’re a customer of Bigtincan, you’re probably familiar with the phrase “AI-powered sales enablement," but what does this mean for sales and marketing leaders responsible for the performance and...

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