How Sales Enablement Makes Me a Better Sales Development Representative

Posted on May 02, 2019 11:56 AM | Updated on May 02, 2019 11:57 AM

A day in the life of an SDR consists of many things but mostly cold calls, emails, prospecting, and learning. I have a certain amount of activities I want to complete each day, and it is not always easy. Bigtincan has helped me do more on a daily basis by automating many of the tasks I would normally have to do such as logging activities into Salesforce, searching for content to send my prospects, or read long training manuals.

For me, Sales Enablement has many different use cases.  Some organizations are focused on enabling outside sales teams who are always on the go and looking for content, and struggle to log sales activities into their CRM.  As an inside sales rep, I see the benefits a bit different.  From something as simple as sending content to a prospect with the press of a button (and getting insights into how my prospects interact with that content), to in depth product or sales training content, through internal communication - the benefits never seem to stop. The best part is, I can do all of this within 30 seconds without leaving my iPad or laptop. I have never known what it is like to be constantly looking for content because I have always had it right at my finger tips - I guess i’m spoiled.

It can be very overwhelming coming into a fast pace sales environment not knowing much about the product or the industry.  When first starting as an SDR with little experience, one of the best things was to see what members of my sales team are doing everyday.  If a member of the team just closed a big deal I have access to see what content they used to help them close the deal. In my role as an SDR, I am constantly looking for different content that will spark interest in different kinds of prospects.  One minute I could be looking for a case study for financial services, the next I need a video showing how we have enabled medical device sales teams. Once I know what content helped them win a new customer I make sure I’m using the same materials while engaging with similar prospects.

Having such easy access to training content and tribal knowledge has been incredibly helpful as someone new to the sales industry.  With easy access to training content, my on-boarding and ramp time was accelerated dramatically.  Not only did the training materials help me learn, but, by eating our own dog food, and accessing the training content within Bigtincan, I was able to learn how to use our platform, while I was learning to sell!  The ease of this process allowed me to start selling within a week. The best way to get experience is to go out and actually do it, and the Hub helped me accomplish that quickly.

My own product has helped me sell itself, and I think thats pretty cool.

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